'The problem with insecure people is they hire dopes'
'I want a moat, preferably with a drawbridge and shark-infested waters'.
'Applying' for jobs can be tedious. The adverb itself is tedious: Connoting diligent yet ineffectual dedication to a tiresome task.
And task-based recruiting, I suggest, is the next vista for Barbarians at the Gate.
*If organisations, generally, cannot hire smart, they will look increasingly dumb.
*If regulations and onboarding take weeks and even months, talent will walk, and test the ramparts for structural flaws.
* If creativity is discouraged from the outset, competition will get creative both in supply and in attitude. Demand, like a spring rising to its source, will find its own rivulets..
*If creative people cannot design for intraprenuerial roles, they will design blueprints for external change.
Beware the Fate of the Celestial Kingdom and disrupt, lest ye be disrupted..
(This 'applies', of course, to nobody in particular).
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