Monday 6 May 2013


"I am the bad conscience of my Age" - Nietzsche

"Quid est Veritas?" - Pontius Pilate


A great post in Forbes leadership column on curiosity, a fine trait in any creature: But getting down to hard tacks, do companies in Australia (and elsewhere) reward this, honestly? Don't make me laugh a wry laugh! - And what can we do about that??

In countless companies, I've come across the same old bullshit to do with curious thinking and trying new things. I AGREE, but it doesn't happen. Not only that, curiosity in young reports can often be a career killer.

Where we have institutionalised safe-play, we get close to the vest behaviour, inertia and, well, stupidity.. Sorry to be cruel - (I hope to be kind as well).

Sure, innovative people can move to another company, and the same tired old chase ensues. To echo Samuel Beckett's Ham in Endgame, 'Nothing doing'.. Meanwhile, we cultivate wilting plants not a luxurious arborium.

Innovation is more than a mantra: it's a discipline. That may sound counterintuitive, yet Goethe could tell you great new thought requires a committment to thinking aloud and thinking anew.

Quid custodiet? Who will guard the guardians? If your direct superiors talk the talk but fail to walk the walk and crush innovative thought, will you hold them accountable? No really, bullshit aside?!

Do you want people who play the game, or do you want to field a team that WINS THE GAME? That, dear sirs/madams, is the question.....

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