Wednesday 26 June 2013


Australia was dubbed the 'Lucky Country' in jest by Donald Horne. And Horne decried perceived Liberal intransigence in his 'Death of the Lucky Country'. How very dangerous it will be to rely on our current luck and arrangements to facilitate our expansion into our region and for our citizens. The Constitutional Crisis engulfing our country betrays, like Raskolnikov's motives in Crime and Punishment, cynicism's logical extension. Both sides are to blame..


The 43rd Parliament stinks of rank politicisation. Julie Bishop, for example, compared Australia's debt "descent" to Iceland. Apparently, Bishop served as partner to a major Australian law firm. On these economic statements, nevertheless, she and the Opposition should go back to High School. Is this the best we can intellectually muster in our representative House?

The ALP pantomime we need not rehearse. The play is afoot.


Clive Palmer has run for Parliament. That is his right. However, business includes all who work as well as those who own. No doubt, the dysfunction in government can infect our productive economy where things are done and made. What is the leadership standard in our corporations today? If we disrespect talent at the apex of the pyramid, we debase our national economic currency and the character of our people.

Those unfit to hold office, whether in public or in private, should be moved to resign. This must become a national imperative. Thus, the Commonwealth will prosper from the application of more capable hands, minds and the light of finer hearts..


To staunch the bloodflow and confront the disease, I believe the Business Council of Australia and a bipartisan commission should determine to hold an immediate summit into the subject of our nation's future. Before the Lucky Country suffers intolerable neglect and destitution.

Let's facilitate a new 'lucky streak'

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