Saturday 9 November 2013


"The internet proved to be a phenomenal tool for delivering products and services to GE customers.” – GE VP & CIO, John Seral... “Destroy Your Business woke us up. Grow Your Business was a home run” I think the time has come in Australian organisations to make innovation real: And that will mean, to make it hurt.. At least to a point. What Do I Mean?___ As study after study shows, Australian business practice doesn't ideally nurture or promote innovative behaviours. Therefore, we need a new business model - or means of tackling business model adjustment - to engrain innovation as a RADICAL IMPERATIVE. ___ Some people, in management, don't take this seriously or are actively hostile. That is why we will need to make innovation real in order to pursue the radical need for 'change as a mindset'. ___ This will mean upending extant business practice and ruffling feathers. So bet it, if that is what is required to render productive change a way of organisational life. ___ A great example of this translated mindset is 'Destroy Your Business'. And from out of the conceptual rubble, REBUILD!

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